Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Date Hike!

This month, we had a great opportunity for a unique date.  We went out to Kauai, Hawaii with Justin's family, so we knew we would have a chance to get out and have a date with just the two of us while his family watched the kids.  We decided we wanted the challenge of hiking the entire Kalalau Trail on the NaPali Coast of the North Shore.  It's 11 miles to the end and 11 miles back, so 22 miles of challenging, hilly, rocky trails.  We ended up walking for 13 hours that day!  A rainbow appeared for about five minutes and we lucked out by meeting up with another pair of hikers going the opposite direction.  They were nice enough to snap a photo of us with the rainbow in the background. :)


  1. Super Duper cool!! I don't think any of us can beat that date!!!!

  2. Krystal- this picture is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost one a copy of it!


Thanks for sharing!